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5 Signs of a Dental Abscess

A healthy mouth is key to your overall health and well-being. In the United States, thought, more than one in four people have untreated tooth decay

Decay can lead to a dental abscess — a case in which bacteria infects the center of the tooth and has the potential to spread to your gums and even supporting jawbone. An abscess forms when the infection causes a buildup of pus and tissue swelling. Abscesses may also form when a tooth is broken or injured. When the tooth enamel is damaged, bacteria are able to infect the tooth. 

Here at South Plains Rural Health Services, we want you to know the warning signs of a dental abscess so that you can get immediate care to help prevent complications. Read on to learn about five signals that you have an abscess forming and need care.

1.Persistent toothache

A persistent and throbbing toothache is often the first sign of an abscess. If you're experiencing prolonged discomfort in a specific tooth, especially when biting down or applying pressure, it could indicate a dental abscess. Don't ignore persistent pain; contact our office right away.

2.Swollen gums

Swelling in the gums surrounding a tooth is usually a sign of an infection. Localized inflammation usually occurs in the area of an abscess. This causes the affected area to appear red, swollen, and tender. If you notice unusual changes in your gum tissue, it's time to schedule a dental examination.

2. Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures

Increased sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures in a specific tooth could be a sign of a dental abscess. If you find yourself wincing when you sip a hot beverage or cringe when exposing your teeth to ice water, it's essential to have us assess your teeth and find the root cause of this sensitivity.

3. Bad breath and unpleasant taste

Persistent bad breath that doesn't improve with regular oral hygiene practices may be linked to a dental abscess. You may also notice an unpleasant taste in your mouth, particularly around a specific tooth, which may indicate a possible infection. 

4.Pimple on your gums

In some cases, a dental abscess may show up as a pimple-like bump on the gums, known as a gum boil or dental boil. This occurs when pus accumulates and finds its way to the surface of the gums. If you notice any unusual bumps or discharge around your teeth or gums, it's a clear signal to seek dental attention at South Plains Rural Health.

Your oral health is a critical part of your overall well-being, and recognizing the signs of a dental abscess is key to maintaining a healthy smile. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, don't delay. Schedule an appointment at our offices for an evaluation. Call us at South Plains Rural Health today, or use our online scheduling tool to book your appointment

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